
一個人香港旅行分享(妝容/穿搭/青旅體驗) | Planning for a HK trip



It's kind of like that I can go through the memories again and again when I write them down.

April,2017. For saying goodbye to my last job, I arrange a travel for myself.
There are too many people over praising the meaning of "travel", so there are even more people who would like to give everything for chasing it.

For me, actually, it's just an another formal of inspiration in usual days, you may find the same or alike feelings if you you go to any random coffee shops.

第一天/ 機場與尖沙咀
First day/ The airport and Tsim Sha Tsui.

Shoes | Adidas
第一次單獨一人出國 ,穿新鞋子新襪子😍雖然有些人說出國不要穿新鞋,但這雙很可以!走久了也不會痛。

Wearing the new shoes and socks for celebrating my first time traveling alone!

Choco-egg cake is tasty, he has crispy top layer and smoothy chocolate sauce inside.

Victoria Bay (Attention: Please don't expect its lighting show too much.)






PS. 一間青旅大約能住6-8人,如果人多和朋友一起來,應該會很好玩。

PPS. 建議如果像我一樣本來沒有住過青旅的話,建議先訂1-2晚體驗看看,不要像我一樣一次訂了4晚XD


I was staying at Hop Inn hostel for four nights, they have good-looking interior, terrify old elevator and friendly tattoo guy(tourist too).

In this experiment, I totally understand that I don't like the sharing room, but on a lighter note, I met a cute Shanghai girl in my last night.

第二天/ 還是尖沙咀
Second day/ Still in Tsim Sha Tsui.


Awakening in the noon time, I just bring myself to a dry and hard soy-noodles with pot washing water, um, a good day is begin!

Vintage Thrift Shop

Little Dot Vintage 古著小店

隨機街景 (LUSH!!)
a random street view.


Eye Shadow| Etude House 胡桃鉗眼影盤 (這眼影在香港弄丟了嗚,僅此紀念)
Lips| M.A.C
Earnings&Dress| Taobao

原本計畫這個下午去太平山看夜景的,但因突來的大雷雨只好回旅社吃蛋塔,其實這天我是有點寂寞的。我喜歡下雨天,這樣的寂寞心情可能是因為: 1. 床沒有特別好睡,翻滾時可以聽見鐵架因不舒服而發出的喞吱聲。2. 下雨天。(可是我喜歡下雨天,所以這個選項捨去)3. 肚子餓 。(嗯,一定是因為吃了蛋塔還不飽吧🤔

I was planning to go to the Taiping Mountain to see the night view in this afternoon, BUT there was a huge raining suddenly, so i came back to the hotel and eat a custard tart instead

Actually, I felt lonely in that day, I like rainy so I supposed that feeling was from: 1. The bed is not quite comfortable, you could hear the bed is squeaky when you are moving. 2. Rainy (but I like rainy so the option is cancelled.) 3. Hungry. (Well, that's a good reason.)

所以我就決定出門買食物,這家在旅社附近的店,必須要推薦一下醬油燒鴨飯。(在香港我覺得Openrice這個美食評價app特別準,在台灣的話倒是沒這麼好使用。)後來,我跑去買珍妮曲奇餅當禮物,以CP值來說,不推薦 😵

So, I decided to go out for food, I have to recommend the soy-ducks rice (which is so good) and the restaurant is near by hostel. Also, I would like to recommend the App called Openrice (a food review app), if you are traveling in HongKong, but not quite well using in Taiwan though.

Therefore,  I went to Jenny Bakery for having some gifts for friends, based on the C/P ratio, I wouldn't recommend it.

In love with the frozen lemon tea, so I took him to hostel for the night.

第三天/ 銅鑼灣、金鐘、太平山夜景!
Third Day/ Causeway Bay, Admiralty, Taiping Mountain!

He's so cute.

Awakening by the N1 coffee where is located near by hotel instead of the dry noodles, yay.

Having so much bus tours which are fun to me.

Cute Shop.


The Australian Company with a normal coffee pudding.

(Note: Please don't follow up people's travel reviews too mush when you are planning a trip, because they may not that good. You can see that entire article is full of my not-well experience.😭)


The Hainan chicken rice in Tsui Wah Restaurant. (The chicken rice is not that important, the only thing in my eyes is the cute cup which is like the cup in Beauty and the Beast)


The most expected place for me is going to see the night view in Taiping Mountain. But, I was totally lost and can't find the bus to the mountain, then I asked a random driver and finally found the stop. (all you can rely on would be just yourself and Google map when you travel alone.😭)

The night view.


第四天/ 中環與上環,出發去新的飯店!
The Fourth Day/ Central, Sheung Wan and go to the new hotel!

因為意識到喜歡自己一個人住,所以索性最後一天就不睡在原本的旅社了,臨時訂了這間JJ Hotel,雖然這裡沒有老舊電梯和奇怪的室友,但他們有黃色老舊斑點的浴巾和毛巾😒。 (我是踩雷小組吧)

By totally understanding that I like to stay over alone, so I cancelled the previous hotel and find the new one.(No refund of-course). The new hotel, JJ Hotel, doesn't have old elevator and strange room mates but they have yellow old dots on towers, like all of the towers.😒

And the day is started with another dry soy noddles, yay.

PMQ(Police Married Quarters), is a very hipster place.

Hoodie coat | Monki 
Dress | GU
Bag | Unif

Outfit of the day.

Eye Shadow| KATE
Lips| Aritaum Color Lasting Tint (這款還蠻持久的!)

Makeup of the day(with contact lenses.)
(Attention: the photo is going with the beauty-mode of phone camera.)

近一點 (眼睛左上的點點是痣XD)

another closer picture.

minimal ice-creeeeeam shop

tasty one.




Finally, the end of the trip (and the article), I met the adorable green cat(not a bear of course.) in HK airport, but I hold back myself to not bring him home.

I felt that I don't wanna let the trip go, but the meaning of travel is just like that, and the life is too, I guess. We always keep walking to the next step, we may turn back to see what we passed sometimes, but we don't really get off actually.


機票| 香港航空 NT$ 11,370 

飯店| 撲撲旅社 NT$ 3,049 for 4 nights (NT$ 762/night)

飯店| JJ Hotel NT$ 3,728 for 1 night

Sim卡| NT$176 for 5days, total in 1.5GB 

共計:NT$ 18,323